A young college girl named Anora who is very persistent and never gives up but comes from Brooklyn has experienced a transforming life after marrying a son of a rich oligarch suddenly. Such a romantic feeling between the two of them as if a couple was meant to be by the universe but the situation of his family that is back in Russia is much worse. With the idea of the kin wanting their boy to have his own life journey, they set off to New York to get an annulment of the marriage. Anora was not prepared for the hard work of getting acquainted with some new components and their worlds that are quite different from each other. She had to fight not only the attacks of the society but also the powerful control of the in-laws family that even she did not think are so overpowering to her to keep the love that she was convinced would bring her a different life. Follow Goojara Comedy Movies for more.
Anora Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Anora (2025)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director: Sean Baker
Writer: Sean Baker
Stars: Mikey Madison, Paul Weissman, Lindsey Normington